s o n e


sone is a music community for music communities.

sone: a proposal for the new digital music community and a call for participation in existing alternatives

sone is a template for a new kind of participative music community: openly available to others to contribute to, co-own, collaborate within, replicate, experiment with, or build into something else altogether. sone is a self-organized, self-governing community of creators, fans, and participants working together to publish, build, and frankly, have a good ass time.

sone is not vc funded or vc owned in any way. all revenue is generated from our own tools and community. we're interested in incentivizing altruistic outcomes at large scale. we believe art can be a vehicle for sustained wealth redistribution, challenging existing conventions, creating systems that better serve us, and regaining sovereignty of our digital selves from the silo'd environments of behemoth platforms.